Renovation of the barracks of the Swiss Guard

Foundation for the Renovation of the Barracks of the Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican


Purpose of the Barracks Foundation

The Foundation for the Renovation of the Barracks of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Vatican (Barracks Foundation) was established in Solothurn in autumn 2016. Its sole aim is to renovate the barracks buildings and the other infrastructure facilities of the Guard. The foundation is subject to the supervisory authorities of the Swiss Confederation and the Canton of Solothurn. With its public and charitable purpose, it is recognised as tax-exempt. Once its purpose has been fulfilled (or in the event of the project being cancelled), the foundation will be dissolved and its capital transferred to the Guard Foundation.

New construction of the guard barracks

The current barracks buildings were built in the 19th century. Hardly any renovations have been carried out since then, which is why the poor building fabric and inadequate insulation cause disproportionately high maintenance costs. Soon after the establishment of the Barracks Foundation, a feasibility study revealed that a completely new construction of the Guards Barracks would be necessary. At present, two barracks buildings are used as troop accommodation for unmarried members of the Guards and as a catering area. The third building houses the command and the Guard families living in the neighbourhood.


Initial situation

The building fabric of the garrison barracks is poor, the insulation inadequate. You can smell the damp in the walls, the walls are full of stains and the plaster is crumbling in many places. The room layout is no longer up to date: triple rooms and shared showers/toilets are now unacceptable with a minimum service period of 26 months. Most married guardsmen with families have to live outside the neighbourhood in Rome. Neither the architecture nor the materialisation of the current buildings are worth protecting. However, the surrounding Vatican City is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Planned construction

The new construction project is complex due to the historical location of the buildings and the geological and archaeological conditions. More building volume is not available. At the same time, in addition to the accommodation in single and double rooms, more sleeping places are required because the number of guards has been increased by 25 men and the guardsmen will be allowed to marry more easily in future (family flats). Therefore, more floors had to be accommodated in the same space. Historically significant elements such as the passetto (the walkway that was used as an escape route during the Sacco di Roma in 1527) and the courtyard of honour will be retained.

The exact plans have not yet been finalised. The preliminary project is supported by UNESCO. An expert mission took place in 2023.

What's the next step?

An important step has been taken with the submission of the report by the experts from ICOMOS and ICCROM. Some architectural details are still to be specified.

We are therefore now entering the next phase of our work, the detailed planning and budgeting phase. This work, which will be carried out in close collaboration with the relevant Vatican authorities, will keep us busy throughout 2024.

It is likely that we will have to resume our fundraising campaign at the same time, as maintaining the façade against Italy will incur additional costs, which we estimate at around CHF 2 million. This will be compounded by the general increase in construction costs in Italy since 2020, the date of our last budget. (Status of fundraising in September 2023)

We are therefore already asking for donations to cover these additional costs. We are counting on your generosity! If you would like to support us again, please contact our office or transfer a contribution to our usual UBS accounts.


In 2020, the Barracks Foundation, which had been founded four years earlier, presented the Vatican with a preliminary project for the renovation of the Guards barracks. The approval process started in 2021 and is still ongoing. Construction is expected to start in 2026, and the new building should be occupied in 2029.

Establishment of the Barracks Foundation, clarification of the needs of the Guards

Requirements: 30% more living space, more spaces to retreat to (single rooms) and more apartments for families; higher safety standards (fire alarms, fire doors, access control, etc.); larger kitchen and canteen, theater hall, archive, library, music and gymnastics room, storage rooms, tailoring, bicycle cellar.

Selection of architects and start of the feasibility study

The architecture firm Durisch + Nolli has experience with buildings in which safety plays a role or the focus is on the functionality of the functional building. The feasibility study has shown that the additional space requirements can be covered within the small area available. The adaptation of the planned building to the surroundings with the materials typical of Rome and the Vatican and the proposed architectural style convinced the Board of Trustees and the competent authorities in the Vatican. In February 2018, the feasibility study was submitted to the decision-makers of the Vatican State. The study shows that due to the poor condition of the buildings, only a new building can be considered.

(February) Presentation of the feasibility study at the Vatican

On the basis of the feasibility study, the Vatican decided to continue the planning work by realising a preliminary project. The purpose of the preliminary project is to plan the construction work in detail and to produce a cost estimate that is as precise as possible. Furthermore, the effective construction time should be shortened as a result of this planning process. On 2 October 2020, a delegation from the Foundation personally presented the project to Pope Francis, who welcomed it warmly. On the same day, the project was officially handed over to Cardinal Parolin at the Secretariat of State.

Start of the preliminary project
(October): Presentation of the preliminary project in the Vatican, including to Pope Francis
Start of the authorization process by the Vatican authorities

After obtaining the expected approval, submission to UNESCO and the City of Rome. The Barracks Foundation realised that it had underestimated the complicated and slow procedures in the Vatican. In particular, the innovative aspects of the project (such as the materials and technologies used, ecology, recycling, etc.), which the Vatican specialists are not very familiar with, require additional clarifications. Unfortunately, these clarifications were only initiated internally within the Vatican in 2021, although the Foundation had already explained certain aspects in 2018. The approval process will take longer than originally planned. Furthermore, the Holy Year 2025 represents a great challenge due to the crowds of pilgrims expected on Italian soil.

Project adjustments in collaboration with the Vatican building commission (Tutela), reduction in fundraising activities
Authorization procedure by UNESCO
Detailed planning and budgeting

The submission of the report by the experts from ICOMOS and ICCROM is an important milestone on the way to realising the project for the new barracks. Detailed planning can begin in 2024, which will lead to the final approval of the project by the Vatican and the invitation to tender for the construction work. Construction work is scheduled to begin at the end of the Holy Year in early 2026.

Anno Santo (Holy Year)
Start of the construction work

The ground-breaking ceremony is scheduled for 2026. Construction should take three years. The Guard is scheduled to move in in 2029. An official inauguration is planned for 2030. Due to the historical location of the buildings, the geological and archaeological features and an outer wall that forms the national border with Italy, the construction period may take longer.

Occupation of the new building
Inauguration of the new building

The Foundation

The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is made up of members who have a wealth of experience in property projects, finance and cultural management. They all work on a voluntary basis, i.e. without remuneration. The Board of Trustees has selected Durisch + Nolli as the architects for the feasibility study and the preliminary project and Ernst & Young as the auditors. Its tasks include approving the budgets, annual accounts and activity reports, supervising the administrative office and ensuring compliance with the statutes. The Board of Trustees is chaired by Jean-Pierre Roth, former President of the Swiss National Bank.


Board of Trustees

The patronage committee

Various personalities from all over Switzerland form the patronage committee. This supports the fundraising for the construction of the new Guards Barracks. The committee is chaired by former Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard.

The office

Susanne Hostettler-Birrer in Allschwil (BL) is responsible for the office of the Kasernenstiftung. She also supported the campaign management during the fundraising period, which was discontinued at the end of 2022 with a view to achieving the fundraising target.

+41 (0)32 621 10 10

The barracks newspaper

The Barracks Foundation publishes a printed newsletter twice a year - in spring and autumn. The barracks newspaper, which is sent to all donors by post, reports on the progress of the project.

The barracks newspaper no. 11 will be published in Mai 2025.

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Kasernenzeitung Nr. 10 November 2024

Donation brochure

Download Brochure

The Pontifical Swiss Guard

Rarely are tradition and modernity so closely interwoven as in the Pontifical Swiss Guard. The basic mission is traditional: the Guard has been protecting the Pope and his residence since 1506. On 6 May 1527, the "Eternal City" was attacked by Spanish mercenaries. Today it is also known as the Sacco di Roma, the Sack of Rome. Of the 189 Swiss Guards, 147 gave their lives to save the Holy Father. The 42 survivors managed to bring Pope Clement VII to safety at the last minute via the secret passageway, the so-called Passetto, into Castel Sant'Angelo. This testimony of bravery and loyalty has secured the Swiss Guard an excellent reputation to this day and contributes to the good image of Switzerland as a whole.

The methods of fulfilling the mission and the people, i.e. the guardsmen who are called upon to do so, are subject to change, as is the environment in which they operate. In each of the traditional Renaissance uniforms is a young, modern and well-trained Swiss. He is united with the 16th-century traveller by the firm conviction that the Church of Jesus Christ and the Successor of Peter deserve, indeed demand, that people stand up for them.

Watch a video of the Swiss Guard

The financing

Based on the feasibility study, construction costs of CHF 50 million were estimated (including temporary accommodation for the Guard during the construction period of several years).

Traditionally, property projects on Vatican City soil are financed by external donations. The Vatican has an enormous wealth of cultural artefacts, churches and other assets. However, maintaining these treasures costs huge sums of money. In addition, there are ongoing expenses for the Vatican administration, the Apostolic Nunciature (foreign missions), the reception of pilgrims and, last but not least, for the Guard. Income from museums, the Vatican Bank, post and donations is comparatively modest.

The Barracks Foundation is responsible for collecting donations in Switzerland. Abroad, it is supported by the Vatican. The Vatican is also making a significant contribution to the planning costs. And it has pledged to pay for the temporary accommodation during the construction work. This will cost around CHF 5 million, i.e. 10 per cent of the construction budget.

As the funds collected so far in cash or in the form of pledges are close to the original target of CHF 50 million, our foundation has decided to temporarily suspend its fundraising activities. We will only resume it once we have a definitive budget that covers the final project and is adjusted to the current realities of construction costs. We felt this pause was necessary as we want to present meaningful figures to our donors. There is concern that the inflation of recent years in Italy will impact our 2020 budget and additional increases may be necessary.

However, the generosity of our donors has not diminished. At the end of March 2024, we recorded donations and pledges totalling 48.6 million Swiss francs, bringing us ever closer to our goal. This continued support is a great encouragement for everyone involved in the project. We would like to express our sincere thanks!

Annual accounts 2023


Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the Papal Swiss Guard need a new barracks in the Vatican?

The layout of the barracks no longer meets today's standards, and the building fabric is poor. The barracks redevelopment project is complex due to the historical location of the buildings as well as geological and archaeological peculiarities. Another challenge is to accommodate the troops during the reconstruction work so that the Corps can continue to ensure the safety of the Holy Father and his residence.

What are the problems with the current layout of the barracks?

The room layout is no longer fit for today’s standards. As a rule, guardsmen undertake to serve in the Vatican for at least two years. They can no longer be expected to share rooms with two or even more others and to share access to showers and toilets with everyone else on their floor. Single and double-occupancy rooms with their own WC and shower are needed.

Is the room layout the reason that more space is needed?

The Guard's precise space requirements have been clarified. There is no additional construction volume available. In addition to accommodation in single and double-occupancy rooms, more beds are also needed, for two reasons: On the one hand, the Pope decided in 2018 to increase the number of guards by 25. On the other hand, in the future it should be possible for more guardsmen to marry and move into an apartment with their family. All of this needs to be made possible in the same area but over more floors.

Grundriss Kaserne bisher / geplante Kaserne
And what are the problems with the substance of the building?

In addition to the poor insulation, there is a lot of moisture in the walls. The plaster is crumbling in many places. There are stains all over the walls. Due to inadequate ventilation, you can even smell the dampness.

Aren't the historic buildings worth protecting?

Neither the architecture nor the materials in the buildings are worth protecting. Historically important elements such as the Passetto (the battlements via which the few surviving Guards fled to the Castle of the Holy Angel on 6 May 1527 with Pope Clement VII) and Pigna Courtyard with its fountain will remain intact as part of the new building.

How will the construction project be financed?

During the planning phase, the financing of the feasibility study and the preliminary project was secured jointly by the Vatican and the Foundation. The Foundation was supported by Swiss donors.

For the construction itself, a budget of CHF 50 million (5 million for the temporary accommodation of the Guard) is estimated. The donations for the financing are being sought by the Foundation in Switzerland and, with the help of the Vatican, abroad. Traditionally, real estate projects on Vatican City soil are financed by external donations.

Why is the construction not being financed by the "rich" Vatican?

The Vatican has undertaken to finance the temporary accommodation of the Guard during the construction period as well as a substantial proportion of the planning costs.

This represents an important part of the financing, which should not be underestimated. It is true that the Vatican has an enormous wealth of valuable cultural assets, churches and other assets. However, the preservation of these treasures costs huge amounts. The Vatican's current income is relatively modest (museums, post office, Vatican bank, donations) and its current expenses are high (nunciature network, Vatican administration, welcoming pilgrims and not least the Guard). Therefore, the Vatican City State is dependent on external funding. For this reason, real estate projects on Vatican City soil are traditionally financed by donations. It is a commendable task, including for us as Swiss people, to make a considerable contribution to the construction of the new barracks of the world-famous Swiss Guard. The Vatican’s contribution should be viewed in this light.

How much will the barracks cost?

The complexity of the building comes at a price. The historical location of the buildings, the geological and archaeological peculiarities as well as the accommodation of the troops during the reconstruction works while at the same time guaranteeing the safety of the Pope and his residence make the renovation project extremely complex. According to initial estimates within the framework of the feasibility study, total costs (including provisional costs) are estimated at approximately CHF 50 million.

Who contributes to the donations of the foundation?

Anyone can contribute something to the funding! The Board of Trustees, soon to be supported by a Patronage Committee, is endeavoring to procure donations and legacies from private individuals as well as contributions from legal entities (companies and foundations), but also from the church and other organizations.

How are private individuals contacted as donors?

It must be said in advance that both Catholics and Protestants as well as other interested groups are being addressed. For more than 500 years, the Guard has stood for Swiss virtues: reliability, bravery, loyalty. Switzerland's reputation has benefited from the world-famous Papal Guard. Therefore, the renovation of the barracks and its financing is a matter for all Swiss people and not just for Catholics. The Board of Trustees and the Patronage Committee will try to contact as many donors as possible in person. At the same time, this website will also motivate donors to get involved in crowdfunding.

How much money should an individual donate?

Everyone donates as much as he or she can and wants to give. Any amount is welcome!

Large donations can be made subject to counterperformance. At the end of the 'FAQs' ('Frequently Asked Questions'), you can ask us further questions and contact the Foundation. We will be happy to answer your questions and discuss with you how you can make a sub-project of the new building "your project".

Are the donations tax deductible?

The Foundation for the Renovation of the Barracks of the Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican pursues a non-profit and a public purpose and is therefore tax-exempt. As a result, donations are deductible from taxable income in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Act on Direct Federal Tax and the cantonal tax laws in the donor's canton of residence.

Are there also possibilities for particularly generous donors?

Since the amount to be raised through donations is very high, the Foundation also needs particularly generous donors!

For example, it is possible to donate to special 'personal' sub-projects (such as the renovation of the fountain in Pigna Courtyard, the construction of the armory, the library, the music room, the kitchen, the gymnastics room or a guard’s bedroom). Please contact us by asking your question at the end of the 'FAQs'. We would be happy to discuss "Your personal project" with you.

Which companies are welcome as sponsors or donors?

Large and small companies are equally welcome as sponsors/donors. Cash donations will be the rule. However, companies in the construction supply industry may also consider making donations in kind or providing their products free of charge or at reduced prices. Service companies have also agreed not to charge the fee for their services as a donation to the project.

Are there any foundations among the donors?

Many foundations have limited their charitable activities to a narrow purpose and/or a narrow geographical area. Foundations whose purpose is to support an institution important to Switzerland (the Swiss Guard) with a historically, culturally or structurally significant project in the Vatican are welcome as donors.

Who is behind the Renovation Foundation?

The Foundation has existed since 2016, along with a Board of Trustees that has created the statutes and ensures their observance. The Board of Trustees is composed of members with a wealth of experience in real estate projects, finance and cultural management. The Board of Trustees works on an honorary basis, without remuneration. It has appointed a Board of Management from its members. In addition, members of the Board of Trustees form a Building, a Finance and a Communications Committee, which will work closely with representatives of the Vatican City State. The Board of Trustees selected the architects for the feasibility study and the preliminary project and, together with representatives of the Vatican, commissioned the preliminary project. It oversees the secretariat, approves budgets and action plans as well as annual accounts and activity reports. It has elected EY (Ernst & Young), an auditor, to audit the annual financial statements and the internal control system.

Who takes care of raising donations?

The Board of Trustees has the overall responsibility. In order to implement the complex work of raising funds, it is about to set up a Patronage Committee consisting of well-known personalities from all parts of Switzerland. Together they will have an extensive network of contacts. As many donors as possible in Switzerland will be contacted through these diverse relationships.

Outside Switzerland, contributions are being sought with the support of the Vatican. It has its own donor network, which is invited to support the renewal project of the barracks.

What is the current and future progress of the project?

The discussions about the renovation of the barracks were intensified in 2016. The requirements for contemporary barracks were clarified with the Guard. In 2017, the Board of Trustees selected architects for a feasibility study. This study showed that the needs of the Guard can be met in the available space and that a new building is necessary.

A preliminary project with detailed plans and precise cost estimates was prepared by 2019. On 2 October 2020, the Foundation presented the project to Pope Francis, who welcomed it warmly. On the same day, the project was officially handed over to Cardinal Parolin at the Secretariat of State. Close contact has been maintained since then.

How were the architects selected for this construction project?

The Board of Trustees has discussed with several internationally experienced architectural firms the possibility of working together to achieve the project objectives, the most important of which are the following:

  • Need for more rooms (higher stock) and apartments for families
  • Better, contemporary standard of the rooms
  • Well-being, efficiency and safety of the Guard
  • Integral repair of buildings
  • Sustainability and environmental compatibility

It turned out that the architectural firm Durisch + Nolli Lugano best met the requirements. The Foundation commissioned the firm to prepare a feasibility study and, with the approval of the Vatican authorities, tocarry out the preliminary project.

What distinguishes the selected architectural office in particular?

Durisch + Nolli from Lugano convinced the Board of Trustees with their security concept (they have experience in the construction of the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona, to name one example) and with the functionality of their proposed solutions (experience with functional buildings such as a student residence and a training center) as well as with the adaptation of their architecture to the historical environment (modern implementation with materials typical of Rome and the Vatican and architecture adapted to the neighboring buildings).

Pia Durisch and Aldo Nolli have extensive international experience from their time with the Spanish star architect Calatrava. Pia Durisch is also a member of the Swiss Federal Commission for Monument Conservation (EKD).

How does the approval process work?

The Permanent Commission for the Protection of Historical and Artistic Monuments of the Holy See (commonly known as “Tutela”) is currently (as of October 2021) examining the project. It has to check every building project in the Vatican. UNESCO will then be consulted, as the Vatican is on their World Heritage List. Finally, the Italian authorities must also give the green light for a new external wall for the barracks, as this forms the national border with Italy.

The Barracks Foundation realised that it had underestimated the complicated and slow procedures in the Vatican. In particular, the innovative aspects of the project (such as the materials and technologies used, ecology, recycling, etc.), which the Vatican specialists are not very familiar with, require additional clarifications. In order to ensure that project is implemented according to plan, our Foundation is currently working on an agreement with the Vatican that will define the responsibilities of the parties and the corresponding project stages.

When did it become clear that it would be impossible to meet the original schedule?

It was only in the autumn of 2020 that the Foundation was informed that the approval process would take more time and that operating the construction site on Italian soil in front of the barracks would pose a problem due to the crowds of pilgrims expected in Holy Year 2025.

Want to find out more?

Foundation for the renovation of the barracks of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Vatican

Registered office:
c/o Glättli Rechtsanwälte AG
Martin-Disteli-Strasse 2
CH-4600 Olten

Susanne Hostettler-Birrer
Holeeweg 18
CH-4123 Allschwil
+41 (0)32 621 10 10

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*The Foundation for the Renovation of the Barracks of the Papal Swiss Guard in the Vatican pursues a charitable and public purpose and is therefore tax-exempt. As a result, donations are deductible from taxable income in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Act on Direct Federal Tax and the cantonal tax laws of the donor's canton of residence.
**Please note our comments on data protection below.

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